Thank you for your support of Mark Eleven Ministries.  We are a Non-Denominational, Bible based Christian Ministry dedicated to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Growing up in the church, when people would ask if I had a personal relationship with Jesus, I would nod my head and say yes, even though I didn’t fully understand what that meant.  It wasn’t until I fully surrendered myself to Christ that I discovered what a relationship with God really is.  That is what led me to this point, and why I am so passionate about the gospel. -Steve Russell

Financial Support

Jesus said sowing seed into good ground will return a harvest up to 100 fold (Matt 13:8), and the Apostle Paul said to the Church at Corinth that you should give what you have decided in your heart to give.  Not reluctantly, for God loves a cheerful giver.  (2 Cor 9:7)

If you are led by the Lord to support Mark Eleven Ministries financially, we hope that you will find fertile ground here. 

There are several different ways to support the ministry financially, either by one time gifts, or through ongoing monthly payments for your convenience. See the tabs below for the best fit for you.

Send checks payable to Mark Eleven Ministries to:

1765 E. Nine Mile Rd, 
Ste 1-285
Pensacola, FL 32514

If you would like to support the ministry, but you do not have the means to directly support us financially, there are other options that are of great help.

Prayer Support

As it states in Ephesians, we war not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers (Eph 6:12).  In that spiritual warfare, we can use all of the prayer help that you can provide.  Below you will find some prayers that we suggest, and you can even print them and keep them with your bible to direct during your daily prayer time.

Father, we come to you today in the mighty name of Jesus to show support for the work of Mark Eleven Ministries, and for Steve and Tiffany Russell as they do the work of the kingdom of heaven. We stand in agreement with the work that they do, and we condemn any spirit of hinderance, confusion, illusion or delusion that seeks to confuse those that need to hear the full Gospel of Christ.

We ask Lord, that every day you would continue to place them in front of people that need Jesus, and that need healing for their bodies. We know that your word is true and it does not return void. Because we know that it is your will that through Jesus we all would have life more abundantly, we release blessings of an abundance of Joy and Peace and Love into this ministry as well as financial blessings that would allow this ministry to serve as many people as possible.

In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

By Prayer and faith, I put on the whole armor of God that I may stand against the wiles of the devil.

  • I put on the helmet of salvation; let the same mind be in me that is in Christ Jesus.
  • I put on the breastplate of righteousness; the righteousness of Christ.
  • I put on the girdle of truth; Jesus is the way the truth and the life.
  • I put on the sandals of the gospel of peace, that I may stand on the solid ground of Jesus.
  • I put on the shield of faith to quench every fiery dart, arrow, missile and spear the enemy shoots our way.
  • And most of all, I put on the precious sword of the Holy Spirit, the mighty word of God. Sharper than any 2 edged sword. Our offensive and defensive weapon.

Father, in Jesus’ Holy name, we come to you on behalf of Mark Eleven Ministries and ask that every attempt from the enemy would fall flat, and that no weapon formed against them would prosper. If you are for us, who could possibly be against us! Therefore, I come against every stronghold that seeks to claim authority over this ministry, and I break those ties with the mighty sword of the Holy Spirit. We overcome the assaults of the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.

We resist the devil, and he flees from us. The Lord our God prepares a table before me in the presence of our enemies. We are comforted by your rod and your staff, and no enemy can overcome you Lord.

In Jesus name we thank you that your word is true, and we thank you for the abilty to wage war against the enemy on your behalf. Lift up Mark Eleven Ministries that they may be a blessing to everyone that is reached by them. In Jesus name, AMEN!

Social Support

You can also support this ministry through sharing the information to everyone that you know.  Whether by email, social media, or direct contact, everyone needs to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, it is our responsibility as believers.

Thanks again for all your support, and may God bless you.