Why would you complain about a fish swimming? It’s all they know!

posted in: Repentance, Teachings | 0

Why would you complain about a fish swimming? It’s all they know! Would you expect a fish to win a tree climbing contest, or how about running hurdles at a track meet?

Consider the ridiculousness of these questions the next time that you see Christians complaining about the world acting the way that the world acts. The Super Bowl has come and gone. The resulting outrage over the halftime show would be amusing if it weren’t so sad. I saw social media lit up with Christians complaining about the audacity of ungodly people, dressing in ungodly ways, performing ungodly music, to a largely ungodly crowd.

Meanwhile, the real question is, why are you watching the annual spectacle to begin with? I have not watched the Super Bowl (or any professional sports for that matter) in so many years, I can’t remember who played the last time I watched it. I don’t say this to “one up” you, nor do I claim to be more righteous than anyone. I say it to prove that it can be done. You can choose to reject worldly entertainment, and in fact, you might even find a closer walk with Jesus as a result.

No matter how long it’s been since I watched the Super Bowl one thing is for sure, the halftime show is hyped for weeks in advance not because it is expected to please those who love the Lord. It is built up because you are virtually guaranteed some sort of controversial “Monday morning water cooler talk”. I actually hear some Christians defend watching stuff like this, not because they want to watch it, but because they don’t want to feel left out of the conversation at work.


Jesus said for us to come out from the world and be separate (II Corinthians 6:17). Why jump into the mud puddle just to see what you look like with mud on your face. The Bible clearly states that a good tree bears good fruit, and a bad tree bears bad fruit (Matt 7:16-20). Sure that verse refers to false prophets, but is it any less true with worldliness vs righteousness?

Last night the Academy Awards were apparently broadcast. Again, a room full of worldly people, patting each other on the back for which one can compete to “out-sin” one another on camera, and already the cries of outrage are being seen on social media over who said what.

Who Cares?!? Elevate those who elevate Jesus.

Turn your eyes towards Jesus and His righteousness (Matt 6:33). Man will always disappoint you, but God will never leave you or forsake you.

Rather than complaining when worldly people act worldly, how about we celebrate the worldly people that repent and turn to Jesus. When the prodigal son came back, there was a huge celebration. Jesus said that he would leave the 99 sheep just to go and rescue the one that has gone astray. Keep your focus on Jesus and you will find less and less to complain about.

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