My First Word from the Lord About Someones Healing.

posted in: Faith, Healing Testimony, Prophecy | 3

I asked the Lord to tell me how to pray for this young lady at the drive through, and he told me immediately. Check out this quick testimony of the first time that I got a specific word from the Lord about someone needing healing.

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3 Responses

  1. Jeannie Fitzgerald

    MY SWEET BOY, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU FOR ASKING JESUS ABOUT PRAYING FOR THIS PRECIOUS GIRL. Tiffi told me about this that very day and how thrilled you were about the sign He gave you. Keep on keeping on!
    Love you, mom

  2. Laura

    Mark, we met via Mark Hemans. I want you to know how much I appreciate your honesty and not leaving out any details in your videos, especially when you make a booboo and own up to it and correct it. If we are going to get the lost connected with Jesus, we as Christians have to show that we make mistakes too but that Jesus blesses us when we own up to them with sincere repentance and do what is necessary to make it right. I also liked the plumber video. I always tell whoever comes to my house about Jesus; plumbers, electricians, roofers, etc. I lead some to accepting Christ. And if I am talking to someone on the phone like AT&T, Home Depot, etc., when they ask is there anything more I can do for you? I say, yes, are you saved? and then tell them about Jesus or pray for them. Sometimes God will give me something about them.
    Anywho … keep being honest … it’s going to reach a lot of people in more ways than one.
    God bless you and your family in abundant life.

    • admin

      Thank you Laura for the kind words. God was so patient with me for so many years that I just live daily in gratitude of his grace. Be blessed.